A user account must be created before you can do anything with the platform. After your user is created you can take the next step to either:

- Join an existing company active on the Avantida platform OR

- Setup a new company


Let's first create the user account. We strongly recommend creating a personal account instead of making use of group accounts and sharing credentials. Personal accounts bring the advantage that every action can be tied to a specific user. With group accounts changes can be made by anyone having the credentials. In a later step system notifications can be routed to a group mailbox here: Forward system notifications to another mailbox

  1. Navigate to platform.avantida.com, choose ‘register now’ and register with your personal details: 


  2. Verify your e-mail address:

  3. Click on the link that you have received per e-mail. If you did not receive the e-mail, please check your spam folder:

  4. When you click on the link you will be sent to the below page, where you choose to create your company account or join an existing company:

  5. Now follow the instructions to either join an existing company or create a new company account on the Avantida platform here:

    - Join an existing company active on the Avantida platform OR

    Setup a new company